Gurgaon Toll paza and Traffic problem in Gurgaon
Guragon is the 2nd largest hub of corporate and one of the bis indudtrial area.
As its a hub of big companies many peoples coming for job, Interviews, Meetings, And many more official works. And generally the timings are 8-10 in Morning and when Leaving the timing is 5.30-7.00 In evening but due to Toll they become late for their meetings and interviews.
To cross the toll average time per vechile is approx 25 mints in which they lost there lot of fuel and become late too for their offices and home. Govt saying that they will reduce the prices of the toll but the question is:-
We Pay 21Who pays for the extra fuel brunt?Who pays for cancelled appointments?Who pays for delayed meetings?Who pays for the flights we missed?
Today traffic Become the biggest issue in Gurgaon , People demanding to remove the toll to make the city better in terms of Trade.
And you know what IT-BPOs Says that "save us from this toll virus"
Today peoples are on the street for protest for removing the toll and it should be remove as time is so important in today's life
And one more thing is that roads are subhan allaha in Gurgaon, you can easily see holes in street which can cause accidents and take many life's.
See this cars looks like the ants in dessert.

Udyog vihar suffers Gurgaon Industrial sector worst affected due to toll plaza mess says the top industrialist.
One of the busiest industrial area Gurgaon,Udyog vihar houses offices of the who's who of domestic and international business.But there is one Giant hurdle Before the hub can boast of being the most sought-after place to work in:sirhaul toll plaza.
Mr. Dagar Who is the chairman of National human resource development forum added"The mental health of executives is suffering due to toll plaza. It is also affected their personal life as the family members become the target of the same anger at home. If the toll plaza are removed their efficiency is bound to go up at least 40%.